Why KGC Cheon Nok: Deer Antler Velvet?

The antlers of deer begin to grow between March and April every year. By the end of the month, fine hairs begin to cover the entire tissue. The antler is called “antler velvet” at this state. CheongKwanJang carefully handpicks the antlers of healthiest deer grown in natural environments and examines their quality meticulously throughout the entire process, setting a new standard for deer antlers. The deer antler velvet is trimmed compassionately, and safely from deer raised in a clean and natural environment, without harming the animal.
Deer antler has been used for rejuvenation and appetite promotion. It is known to help anemia and chronic fatigue, improve liver function, prevent arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis. Deer antler is rich in protein, lipids, amino acid, and calcium. Prolonged intake of deer antlers can help relieve back and knee pain, as well as frequent urination.
Cheon-Nok - the name for nature-blessed deer antlers backed by CheongKwanJang's reputation - makes precious deer antler products for those who wish to lead a healthy and energetic life. All Cheon Nok products are made by carefully decocting CheongKwanJang's premium deer antlers under strict quality control. Eliminating the signature odor of the antlers, KGC's innovational technology presents the Cheon Nok products with an exceptionally clean taste.
Keeping true to the guiding principle for delivering superior quality products, KGC presents the timeless value of certified safe, free-range deer antler velvet combined with the 6-years-grown Korean Red Ginseng, in a powerful extract formula, based on the wisdom of traditional Korean medicine. Processed under the advanced care and quality control systems of KGC, Cheon Nok products are customized for those seeking a life full of healthy vitality and are presented elegantly.
Cheon Nok Tonic: Red Ginseng & Deer Antler Velvet Premium

Cheon-Nok Tonic is a deer antler product designed with the health of the modern family in mind. All the benefits of precious deer antlers, a time-honored curator of health, are packed into every pouch.
Cheon Nok Extract: Red Ginseng & Deer Antler Velvet Premium Extract

This premium extract is made from certified safe, free-range deer antler velvet and premium Korean red ginseng extract in a traditional and powerful formula.
Cheon Nok Convenience: Red Ginseng & Deer Antler Velvet Premium Extract

We are excited to announce the launch of Cheon Nok Convenience in the North American market this June. Now, you can enjoy the premium extract of free-range deer antler velvet on-the-go! In this product, The premium Korean red ginseng and other herbal ingredients are packaged along with the antler extract in portable stick pouches for your convenience.
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-CheongKwanJang, Deer Antler Velvet, Health Benefits