Why KGC Red Ginseng and What Do We Have Now?

Since 1996 – in other words, when the Korean government driven monopoly is dismissed – plenty of Korean ginseng brands have born. However, KGC and its prominent brand Chung Kwan Jang is originated from government owned company since 1899, as everyone knows original does its best. Now KGC runs state of the art production center in Buyeo along with health science research center with 140 researchers to ensure consistent quality. Unlike many other brands, all red ginseng related products from KGC is produced under the strictest quality control, and only uses the highest quality of the 6-year-old ginseng roots produced by selective Korean ginseng artisans. Unarguably, KGC is the most eminent health product manufacturing company in Korea.
Little Extensive List of KGC Products
Root / Root Pure Extract

Root and Root Pure Extract are the most prestigious category, since they contain the most original form of the red ginseng. Since they are made without the extensive extracting nor condensation procedure, they maintain the most purest form of red ginseng and its beneficial ingredients. Instead, you need a bit of delicate decoction and infusion process. As we all know, precious things are complicated. KGC also produces ready-to-drink red ginseng infusion water in the pouch called root pure extract. There are 4 grades in root & root pure extract so called – heaven, earth, good and cut according to the shapes and qualities of the ginsengs.
KGC Red Ginseng Extract is one of the most concentrated form of Korean Red Ginseng product made with 100% red ginseng roots. Since it is in a very concentrated form, so you can enjoy the health benefit with very small amount. It is easily dissolvable to both in hot and warm water, and it can be easily blended into other types of liquids. There are some creative people who use this extract as cooking ingredient as well. Even if it is with a quite unapproachable price, there are limited version of extract as well, exclusively made with earth grade red ginsengs.
Extract Pills
Even if most of the people enjoy the earthy and rich aroma of Korean red ginseng, some people simply do not like it too much. So there is a pill form of red ginseng extract made with 378mg of Korean Red Ginseng extract for them. It is convenient, since you can easily carry them around while you can easily avoid the bitterness of red ginseng. However to take the similar and effective amount of the potent ginseng extract, you have to take 5 pills per dose.

While extract is highly versatile product, but it is not portable. If you watched famous “Descendants of the Sun,” you may remember the main characters consistently suck on small packet of “unknown elixir.” That exact product is Everytime. It is water-dissolved KGC Extract, in other words, it is a portable & hassle-free version of Extract. Even if it is an easier version, it has exactly same potency as extract with 3,000mg of red ginseng extract.
Hwa Ae Rak - Women’s Balance
Tonics are the blend of the red ginseng extract and they are blended with many beneficial medicinal herb extracts. It is specifically formulated with pomegranate extract, cranberry extract and soy bean extract along with red ginseng extract, helps women in menopausal transition with hormonal imbalance, while improving blood circulation, immune system and boost fatigue recovery.
Hong Sam Jin Bon
It is a tonic product, contains 1,160 mg of red ginseng along with specially formulated proprietary blend, reishi mushroom, Japanese raisin fruit and cauliflower mushroom extract. Unlike Hwa Ae Rak, this product is suitable for all adult population, improving memory function, fatigue, immune system along with excellent anti-oxidant property. The good news is, due to the elaborated ingredient blending, it tastes less bitter and significantly milder.
Hong Sam Tonic Gold
If you are new to the Red Ginseng product and with slightly sweeter tooth person, Hong Sam Tonic Gold is a good starter. Even though it is subtly sweet and tasty, it still contains 60% of red ginseng extract and many other medicinal herbs and fruits such as jujube, agaricus mushroom, Korean angelica, Mohave yucca root, bearded hedgehog mushroom, shiitake mushroom and grapefruit seed. It contains 4,200mg of red ginseng extract per pouch.
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-CheongKwanJang, Health Benefits, Health Supplements