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5 Ways to Boost Immunity in 2021

5 Ways to Boost Immunity in 2021

New year, new you? Absolutely! The new you should be a healthier version of yourself, and you should work on getting yourself more protected from foreign body invaders. So make sure you are starting the year right with resolutions that can help you achieve overall wellness.

Here are five easy tips to boost your immunity in 2021:

1. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

One way to lessen the risk of catching the common colds and cough is to eat healthily. Medical experts recommend eating fruits (especially citrus fruits), green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like eggs, avocados, nuts, and seeds.

These healthy fats can also boost your immunity through their anti-inflammatory properties. Cutting on sugar can also help, as well as eating less refined carbs like cakes, pastries, pasta, and rice.

2. Take health supplements.

A healthy diet is sometimes not enough, especially for people who tend to catch the common colds and flu quickly. That is why the consumption of supplements is recommended. Ginseng supplements, like Cheon Nok Convenience is a good example, as it contains Asia’s super herb -- Korean red ginseng, that is known worldwide for its immunity-boosting properties.

Cheon Nok Convenience is a ginseng supplement from CheongKwanJang that comes in stick packs. Each stick pack contains the best Korean red ginseng that has been grown and matured for six years and free-range deer antler velvet. This powerful combination can effectively support your immune system as it boosts your energy levels. And because Cheon Nok Convenience is in stick packs, this ginseng supplement is ideal for people on-the-go. Find out more about this health supplement at KGCUS.com.

3. Get enough quality sleep.

Sleep is a significant factor that affects a person's immune system. In fact, a study in 2019 found that people who get eight hours of sleep had higher levels of T cells -- immune cells that fight against virus-infected cells, compared to those who slept less.  

On the same note, adults who slept less than six hours at night were more susceptible to catching colds than those that slept more than six hours, according to another study. So make sure to get enough quality sleep at night by avoiding TV, smartphones, computers, and other devices that emit blue light a few hours before bedtime. 

4. Quit smoking and moderate alcohol consumption.

Smoking can lower one's immunity because the chemicals released by cigarette smoke, nicotine, carbon monoxide, cadmium, and nitrogen oxides may interfere with immune cells' growth and functions. Medical experts also found that smoking can worsen bacterial and viral infections, most especially diseases of the lungs. 

On the other hand, alcohol can have adverse effects on the body if taken in large quantities. In fact, a study in 2015 found that people who drink huge amounts of alcohol are more susceptible to acute respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, and alcoholic liver disease. With that said, limit alcohol consumption to one to two drinks a day, or avoid drinking altogether.

5. Keep active!

Work-from-home measures and shelter-in-place orders have lessened human activity, which resulted in unwanted weight gain for most of us. But staying at home shouldn't stop you from keeping active. Moderate exercise can help boost your immunity as it allows the antibodies and white blood cells to circulate more quickly. It can also lower one’s amount of stress hormones.

Exercise is possible, even at home -- do some brisk walking around the house, jog in place, do yoga, or even play fitness games like Zumba Burn It Up Nintendo Switch and Just Dance. Experts advise getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week. Greater amounts of exercise will, of course, provide even more significant health benefits.

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