Asian Ginseng for Stress - How the Herb Helps

Stress is omnipresent in one’s life via numerous ways. Seeing the potential hazards of stress on one’s well-beings, there is an urgency to search for an effective remedy for it. Asian Ginseng is one of the most well-known natural medicines that offer various health benefits to mankind. Owing to its several therapeutic properties, Asian Ginseng is getting into main stream to cure stress.
When consumed under proper guidance, Asian Ginseng is known to help us by imparting energizing effects when we feel low and dull. There are evidences that Asian Ginseng is highly effectual to improve the subjective rating of mood.
What is Asian Ginseng?
Asian ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng, Koran Ginseng, and Red Korean Ginseng is a medicinal herb that has been harvested in many regions of Eastern countries from thousands of years. This one of the most beneficial wild-growing or cultivated root is now officially listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Because of its major bioactive components like ginsenosides, a class of natural steroid glycosides and triterpene saponins that are best known for their anti-oxidant properties, Asian Ginseng is considered an effective remedy for stress associated chronic diseases. Furthermore, researches have proved that the bioactive components in this kind of ginseng can cure other chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, etc. The most customary intake of Asian Ginseng is as a tonic.
Active Components in Asian Ginseng
Though ginsenosides are the main active components of this magical root, the list is not limited to this. Other than ginsenosides, Asian ginseng is a power house of various healing components. Some of them are listed below:
Multiple flavonoid, pectin and B vitamins
Polyacetylene and polysaccharide
Peptidoglycans and panaxans
Amino acids and fatty acids;
Vitamins and minerals;
How does it work?
There are numbers of studies carried out to understand the mechanism of this therapeutic herb. Knowing its mechanism is one of the crucial factors that demand our attention when it comes to its benefits.
To understand of how Asian ginseng works as a phytomedicnine, a term used for medicinal plants, we need to have a brief knowledge of its constituents. The bioactive compound in Asian ginseng is ginsenoside and there are dozens of ginsenosides found in Asian ginseng. Among all ginsenosides, triterpenoid saponins are the most potent bioactive component in Asian ginseng.
Despite different properties, all ginsenosides are similar on molecular level. Every single one has steroidal 4-ring hydrophobic structures with sugar moieties attached.
The ginsenosides have various positive effects on our neurological, and biological system.
Asian ginseng is a mild and effective sedative, thus helps to calm down us when things are nerve-wreaking
It has some neuroprotective benefits. It encourages healthy growth of brain cells, thus minimizes the risk of neuronal death and improves the brain’s functionality.
It slows down the neurodegenerative process, degeneration of the nervous system by age, thus effectively treats Alzheimer’s disease, depression, schizophrenia.
How Asian Ginseng Helps to Level down the Stress?
Since ages, Asian ginseng has been serving mankind with its remarkable medicinal properties. It is one of the most-preferred alternative treatment options for stress management. Asian ginseng helps to manage stress in below mentioned ways:
It Gives Rise to Mood Neurotransmitters. There are evidences that have established a fact that Asian Ginseng timulates Central Nervous System and motor skills positively. A regular and examined consumption of Asian ginseng is known to increase the levels of some neurotransmitters (substances that send out nerve impulses across a synapse) including dopamine, noradrenalin, and serotonin.
Puts a Cap on Increased ACTH Activities. ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormones, are the key drivers behind your stress. The higher the activity of these hormones is, the more vigorous is the stress level. Asian ginseng impedes the activity of these hormone levels, thus relieves you from stress.
High Anti-Oxidant Properties. Asian ginseng is a power house of anti-oxidants. Studies have proved that anti-oxidants were found to reduce the oxidative stress, a disturbance in the balance between the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defenses, that leads to fatigue. Because of this high anti-oxidant property, Asian ginseng is identified as an effectual treatment for stress-related weariness and exhaustion.
Recommended Dosage to Fight Stress
Asian ginseng is a subject of research in various studies and all those studies used a controlled 200 – 400 mg of Asian ginseng.
Standard Asian ginseng supplementary capsule come in daily servings of 100–500 mg, which contains an approved 4 – 8 % ginsenosides, the bioactive substance.
Available Forms
An unprocessed herb or organic dried root, 1 – 2 g
Chewable tablet or softgel, in 50 – 100 mg serving sizes
Powder, usually encapsulated
In Conclusion
Asian ginseng root is getting much fame these days in the field of pharmacology. Because of its adpatogen, anti-oxidant, auto-immune stimulant, and psychotropic properties, Asian ginseng has established itself as one of the most imperative therapeutic tools to cure stress. Though there are other varieties of ginseng, but Asian ginseng has outdone others with 29 different varieties of ginsenosides.
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-CheongKwanJang, Health Benefits