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Bala de gelatina inergética feminina ginseng vermelho coreano - CheongKwanJang

Disponibilidade: Esgotado
SKU: 20007045A0
Preço normal R$ 511,00 R$ 538,00 | Salvar R$ 27,00 (5% desligado)
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CheongKwanJang Korean Red Ginseng Women's Balance Innergetic-1

Bala de gelatina inergética feminina ginseng vermelho coreano - CheongKwanJang


Ginseng Vermelho Coreano

Ginseng Benefit Cognitive FunctionGinseng Benefit AntioxidantGinseng Benefit ImmuneGinseng Benefit CirculationGinseng Benefit Energy

Hwa Ae Rak Innergetic Jelly Stick para Mulheres é uma geleia saudável feita de ginseng vermelho e fibra alimentar. Os ingredientes principais são extrato de raiz de ginseng vermelho coreano, além de cinco ingredientes de frutas (ameixa, romã, uva, abacaxi e banana). Aprecie o sabor do ginseng e experimente os benefícios que incluem suporte à imunidade, nível de energia estabilizado, suporte à memória, suporte à fadiga e ajuda com antioxidantes. Com apenas um stick por dia você pode desfrutar deste delicioso ginseng vermelho para mulheres em forma de geleia.

*Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration. Estes produtos não se destinam a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.


Fibra dietética, extrato de raiz de ginseng vermelho coreano, mistura patenteada (goma xantana, goma de alfarroba), água, maltodextrina resistente à digestão, xarope de agave, suco concentrado de abacaxi, suco concentrado de banana, extrato de suco de uva Concord, frutooligossacarídeo, extrato de ameixa, sabor natural (Frutas), Extrato de Fruta Romã


Tome um stick por dia após ou entre as refeições.

Aviso: Evite a exposição à luz solar direta, mantenha em local fresco e seco. Se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos, consulte seu médico antes de usar este produto. Verifique cada ingrediente cuidadosamente quanto a alergias e interações.



COA (Certificado de Análise)


Customer Reviews

Based on 47 reviews
Actually works

I eat a stick when I'm tired and feel energized in a healthy way, as if I was well rested. It's pricey so I save it for the days I need a boost.

Anna Ko
Women’s innergetic

I purchased this for gifts to my nieces and friends. They actually liked it, the taste and energy boost

Jacob Epps
This is a good gift for your wife girlfriend or sister or any woman you know give the gift of health

Give the gift of health and love to your mother wife sister or any woman you know your girlfriend this is a good product and it shows that you truly care about their health and it will make them feel better and noticeably and they will thank you for it

Alba Sierra
Recommend 100%

Well package. Fast shipping. The communication is excellent.
Product awesome. I like the quality and taste of the product. Very convenient to bring to go.
Thank you

Kicheol Kim

Excellent product



By purchasing your CheongKwanJang products directly from Korean Ginseng Corporation, you are assured of getting a product that is at all times handled properly according to manufacturer’s recommendations. At this time, we do not ship outside of the United States.

All orders are normally shipped out within 1 business day. Please note, we can only ship to physical addresses and not P.O. boxes at this time.


Our Mission

To make people’s lives better everyday by providing them with the best, traditionally harvested, most carefully selected Korean Red Ginseng products to support health and well-being. We give our all for the sake of our customers, so they can face any challenges in life.


Renowned worldwide, Korea Ginseng Corporation(KGC), with its subsidiary lines CheongKwanJang and Koreselect, is the #1 brand of ginseng, with over 120 years of horticultural and scientific expertise.

Vertically-integrated, we specialize in the cultivation, harvest, and preparation of the world’s finest red ginseng, a more efficacious form of ginseng, conducting 293 quality and safety tests in the course of each production cycle. Every year we devote over two hundred researchers and 20 million dollars to the science of ginseng. All KGC brands use the most exceptional ginseng combined with the finest herbs and ingredients to deliver superior products to meet everyone’s needs.

Each of our CheongKwanJang products is certified by the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Food and Science to feature only premium ginseng extract, from the roots of plants that have been allowed to mature for the full six years required for optimal results.

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