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作为全球领先的人参公司,KGC的人参研发中心拥有140名博士研究人员。员工拥有硕士学位,确保安全和质量,他们已获得超过 184 项人参专利,这通过进行超过 420 项人参研究以及每年对每种作物进行数百次安全检查来证明。来销售。我们承诺通过我们销售的每一种健康产品赢得客户的信任。


高丽红参因其健康特性而享誉国际,其学名被指定为 Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer(Panax 是拉丁语,意为“包治百病”)。人参虽然不能包治百病,但它确实具有多种保健功效,这是现代科学研究所证实的。但并非所有的人参都是一样的。人参的种类和种类很多,但只有高丽人参经过6年的种植(至完全成熟),并得到韩国FDA的科学证明和确认,作为功能性食品,支持这些健康功能:






Korean Red Ginseng

虽然高丽参被归类为膳食补充剂,而不是药物(并且没有兴奋剂作用),但难怪高丽参一直在草药界最推荐的传统草药中排名第一。第十届国际人参研讨会于2010年举行,来自美国、欧洲、亚洲等15个国家约1500名学者和研究人员参加。超过 300 篇论文提交,其研究结果支持人参的功效。

Best Korean Ginseng


虽然现代科学已经证实了上述说法,并已获得韩国 FDA 的批准,但传统东方医学记录中描述的人参有七大好处。自古以来,早在临床试验之前,许多韩国和中国的医学文献就引用了这些记录,并开出高丽参来支持与某些病症相关的身体功能。在中国,历史上提到的人参功能被归类为“人参七大功效”。这些概述如下:


促进健康的血液循环:健康的血液循环是我们整体健康不可或缺的一部分,并影响着广大民众——大约 40% 的美国成年人都患有与血液循环相关的问题。我们日常生活中的行为,例如坐得太多,可能会导致血液流动不良。研究表明高丽红参可以改善人体的血液循环。

增强耐力:长期以来,人参一直被研究为健康、不含咖啡因的能量的天然替代品。虽然咖啡因是市场上最受欢迎的精神能量成分,但许多消费者都会经历不必要的副作用,这就是为什么近 85% 的咖啡因使用者会尝试非咖啡因产品(如果它能提供相同的能量益处)。高丽红参没有嗡嗡声或紧张感,已被证明可以通过增强精神活力和身体能量来帮助缓解压力,同时提供身体平静。



支持皮肤健康:人体皮肤是人体的第一道防线,通常反映一个人的健康和饮食情况。外用产品只能起到促进皮肤健康的作用——从内到外滋养皮肤也很重要。调查数据显示,82% 的消费者认为,实现其美丽目标的最佳方法是采用“由内而外”的方式使用补充剂。高丽红参可以减少皱纹和衰老迹象,促进弹性和胶原蛋白的产生,并减少浮肿和炎症。



高丽红参富含健康的植物皂苷,特别是人参皂苷,它的进化是为了帮助植物在恶劣的环境中生存。临床证明人参皂苷具有强大的适应原作用,通过使人体恢复平衡来帮助人体实现体内平衡,并有助于在细胞水平上对抗压力。虽然人参不是药物,但数十篇研究论文表明,高丽红参和高丽红参中发现的健康成分有助于身体抵抗有害病毒。这支持了高丽参有助于增强免疫系统的说法,并说明了为什么它作为传统药物已有 2000 年的历史。

Korean Red Ginseng



Korean Red Ginseng Active Ingredients




KGC 对我们产品的质量充满信心。这种信心植根于近 120 年的传统专业知识、80 多年对现代研发的奉献以及尖端技术。韩国人参研究所成立于 1937 年,开启了新时代的创新,将我们的传统工艺带入现代世界。我们的 140 名博士和硕士学位研究人员与国内外健康和医学界合作,开展栽培技术和土壤管理研究,并应用最新技术开发加工创新并确保质量控制,生产出您可以使用的有效产品。相信。

KGC 的 CheongKwanJang 品牌韩国红参产品的常客明白,质量不言而喻。尽管如此,有时被认可还是件好事。 KGC已获得澳大利亚、韩国、日本等世界主要国家的现行良好生产规范(“cGMP”)认证,并且我们符合或超过美国FDA颁布的规则。我们已获得HACCP(危害分析和关键控制点)认证、ISO 22000(国际可靠食品管理安全体系标准化组织)认证,并且是第一家获得国际认证KOLAS(实验室认证)认证的人参公司)5个标准和192个项目。

我们投入了整整 2 年的时间,只为确保最好的、未受污染、无污染的种植田,又投入了 6 年的时间,按照 293 项标准的质量控制计划种植高丽参,并进行了 7 轮全面审查,由我们的执行机构执行。研发研究人员团队。这是我们对质量的承诺。


* 这些声明尚未经过美国食品和药物管理局的评估。这些产品并非旨在诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病。

Korea Ginseng Research Institute

Korea Ginseng Corporation is pushing for innovation with the Korea Ginseng Research Institute at the helm. The Korea Ginseng Research Institute has 130 top researchers connected to medicine and science, both domestic and global. We study a variety of subjects, and we are world leaders in red ginseng and natural products research in areas ranging from ginseng cultivation technology to new ingredient development, efficacy/safety/analysis research, product development, and more.


How Korean Red Ginseng could show cognitive benefits in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

Heo JH et al. “Improvement of cognitive deficit in Alzheimer’s disease patients by long term treatment with Korean red ginseng” J Ginseng Res.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on Alzheimer’s disease (AD):

In spite of enormous research efforts, only a few symptomatic treatment options currently exist for dementia. Ginseng has been proven to
have effects on cognitive functions in healthy individuals. However, only a few studies have shown effects of KRG on dementia. The goals
of this study were: 1) to further clarify the long-term efficacy of KRG as an adjuvant therapy to conventional anti-dementia medications in
patients with AD and 2) to monitor the cognitive changes during the extended follow-up duration.


The study results suggest that Korean red ginseng treatment is both safe and feasible,
and is effective for the long-term management of Alzheimer’s disease patients.

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How Korean Red Ginseng Upregulates Antioxidant Enzyme Activity

Kim JY et al. “Beneficial effects of Korean red ginseng on lymphocyte DNA damage, antioxidant enzyme activity, and LDL oxidation in healthy participants: a
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial” Nutr J. 2012;11(1), 1-9.

The beneficial effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on antioxidant enzyme activity:

Oxidative stress describes a set of intracellular or extracellular conditions that lead to the chemical or metabolic generation of reactive
oxygen/nitrogen species. The reported health benefits of Korean red ginseng (KRG) include antioxidant, antitumor, antimutagenic, and
immunomodulatory activities; however, the effects on oxidative stress have not yet been evaluated. Therefore, we assessed the effect of
KRG on antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress markers in humans.


KRG supplementation improved biomarkers of oxidative stress, as evidenced by decrease plasma oxidized LDL, attenuated lymphocyte DNA
damage and increase plasma antioxidant enzyme activity in healthy participants.


KRG supplementation may attenuate lymphocyte DNA damage and LDL oxidation by
upregulating antioxidant enzyme activity.

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Blood Circulation

How Korean Red Ginseng Exerts The Restorative Effect On Microvascular Integrity In Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction

Ahn CM et al. “Red Ginseng Extract Improves Coronary Flow Reserve and Increases Absolute Numbers of Various Circulating Angiogenic Cells in Patients with
First ST-Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction” Psychother Res. 2011;25:239-245.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on coronary flow reserve:

Baseline coronary flow reserve (CFR) has been used as a predictor of improvement in left ventricular function after AMI (acute myocardial
infarction) however, baseline and 8-month follow-up CFR values have never been compared in ST-elevation AMI patients after KRG extract
administration. Therefore, in this study, the effects of red ginseng extract on circulating angiogenic cell mobilization and improvement of
microvascular integrity were compared in ST-segment elevation AMI patients during an 8-month follow-up period.


Improvement of coronary flow reserve and increase of circulating angiogenic cells
KRG improved CFR in first ST-elevation and increased circulating angiogenic cell mobilization and decreased inflammation in AMI patients during the
8-month follow-up.


3g /day of KRG for 8 months is an effective and safe treatment for first ST-elevation AMI
patients, possibly by restoration of microvascular function.

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Cognitive Function

How Korean Red Ginseng Has A Beneficial Effect On Concentration

Yeo, HB et al. “Effects of Korean red ginseng on cognitive and motor function: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial” J Ginseng Res. 2012;36(2):190.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on cognitive function:

There is some evidence from animal studies that ginseng has a beneficial effect on cognitive performance. KRG was shown in one study
to significantly reduce the P300 latency, suggesting that it can directly modulate cerebro-electrical activity. The current study used the
P300 event-related potential (ERP) and the neurocognitive function test to investigate the effect of KRG on cognitive performance.


The decreased P300 latency may indicate an improvement in cognitive function, especially in association with attention allocation, immediate
memory and behavior reaction time.


The KRG group showed a decreased P300 latency in the central area, suggesting that the
decreased latency in ERP after KRG supplementation is associated with improved
cognitive function.

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How Korean Red Ginseng Could Be Efficacious For Major Depression

Jeong HG et al. “Effect of Korean Red Ginseng as an adjuvant treatment for women with residual symptoms of major depression” Asia Pac Psychiatry.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on depression:

Depression is considered as a serious illness, but can be cured as various pharmacological agents become more readily available. Ginseng
has shown potential antidepressant effects in some animal studies and in patients with stress-related somatic symptoms. Therefore,
we investigated the effectiveness and tolerability of KRG adjuvant treatment in patients with residual symptoms of major depression.


The subjects reported significant decrease in depressive symptoms
on DRSS, MADRS and CGI-S and in somatic symptoms on DSSS over the
eight-week study period of taking Korean red ginseng.


These study results suggest that Korean red ginseng is effective and safe in patients
experiencing residual symptoms of depression, indicating the feasibility of Korean red
ginseng as an alternative treatment option for patients with depression and other
related disorders.

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Gastric Cancer

How Korean Red Ginseng could have an impact on the incidence of human primary cancer

Yun TK et al. “Non-organ specific preventive effect of long-term administration of Korean red ginseng extract on incidence of human cancers” J Med Food.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on chronic atrophic gastritis:

Previously, two case-control studies and a cohort study strongly suggested that Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer exerted non–organ-specific
preventive effects against cancer. In the present study, the cancer preventative effect of P. ginseng C.A was tested against gastric cancer,
which has a high incidence rate in many Asian countries. Chronic atrophic gastritis was chosen because the risk of stomach cancer
occurrence in this disease was 5.73-fold higher than that of normal individuals.


The non-organ-specific cancer preventive effect of Korean red ginseng was confirmed
clinically even in gastric cancer-prone patients.

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How Korean Red Ginseng could be beneficial on ocular blood flow in patients with glaucoma

Kim NR et al. “Effect of Korean Red Ginseng Supplementation on Ocular Blood Flow in Patients with Glaucoma” J Ginseng Res. 2010;34(3):237-245.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on glaucoma:

Glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness in the world, is a group of diseases characterized by progressive optic neuropathy with a particular
pattern of visual field loss. Improving ocular blood flow may help the treatment of glaucoma and favorable effects of ginseng roots on
circulation have been reported. In the present study, we assessed the effect of KRG ingestion on ocular blood flow in patients with
open-angle glaucoma.

KRG ingestion appears to improve retinal peripapillary blood flow in patients with open-angle glaucoma (in the temporal peripapillary areas),implying that KRG ingestion might be helpful for glaucoma management.

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Glucose Control

How Korean Red Ginseng could have potential for improving blood glucose control in diabetes patients

Bang H et al. “Korean red ginseng improves glucose control in subjects with impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or newly diagnosed type 2
diabetes mellitus” J Med Food. 2014;17(1):128-134.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM):

Until now, there have been few clinical studies on the efficacy of red ginseng extract or powder for blood glucose control, and past studies
mostly included people with T2DM or normal blood glucose levels. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of KRG supplementation
on glucose control in subjects with impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or newly diagnosed with T2DM and to establish
clinical evidence of the glucose control effect of KRG.


The study results indicate that Korean red ginseng supplementation has potential for improving glucose control along with improvements in glucose-related biomarkers.

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Hair Regrowth

How Korean Red Ginseng Treats Alopecia Areata

Oh GN et al. “Efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in the Treatment of Alopecia Areata” J Ginseng Res. 2012;36(4):391-395.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on alopecia areata (AA):

AA is an autoimmune disease that can affect any hair-bearing area. Though many therapeutic modalities have been used to treat AA, none of these agents is definitely curative or preventive alone. In Korea, KRG is well known to effective for prevention of hair loss and growth of
hair. However, there are still no reports of the efficacy of KRG in AA using medical engineering techniques. Thus, the authors studied hair
growth efficacy and safety of KRG in AA.

This study results suggest that treatment with KRG can result in improved hair regrowth in AA patients.


This study proved the efficacy of KRG in the treatment of AA, recommending KRG as a
useful complementary food for management of AA.

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How Korean Red Ginseng could be effective for chronic hepatitis B

Choi SH et al. “Effects of complementary combination therapy of Korean red ginseng and antiviral agents in chronic hepatitis B” J Alt Compl Med.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on chronic hepatitis B (CHB):

CHB management is commonly targeted at reducing viral replication. However, the currently available antiviral therapies are associated with
some problems, including resistance and numerous adverse effects. Ginseng has been reported to be effective for treating viral infections
such as influenza and human immunodeficiency virus. This study investigated the effects of KRG together with antiviral agents in CHB.


The decrease of non-invasive fibrosis serologic markers after Korean red ginseng administration in this study indicates the possibility of Korean red ginseng as a complementary
therapy for chronic hepatitis B.

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How Korean Red Ginseng could be beneficial for longevity and immune function of HIV-1 patients

Cho YK et al. “Effect of Korean red ginseng intake on the survival duration of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 patients” J Ginseng Res. 2017;41:222-226.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV):

Progressive loss of CD4+ T cells is the hallmark of HIV infection, and is accompanied by chronic inflammation and chronic immune
hyperactivation. Long-term ginseng intake can increase longevity in healthy individuals. Here, we examined if long-term treatment with
KRG can also enhance survival duration in patients with HIV-1 infection.


This study results show that even moderate Korean red ginseng doses for a sufficient
period can improve survival duration in HIV-1 patients not receiving HAART and that
efficacy improves with cumulative intake.

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How Korean Red Ginseng could have blood pressure-lowering effect in prehypertensive subjects

Cha TW et al. “Blood pressure-lowering effect of Korean red ginseng associated with decreased circulating Lp-PLA2 activity and lysophosphatidylcholines and
increased dihydrobiopterin level in prehypertensive subjects” Hypertension Res. 2016;39:449-456.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on hypertension:

Although hypertension is a known risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease the mechanisms underlying this relationship
are unclear. Previous studies evaluating the physiological effects of ginseng suggest that red ginseng is more beneficial than other types of
ginseng on circulating metabolic profiles. We evaluated the effects of KRG consumption on blood pressure and the fasting plasma


This study results indicate that the blood pressure-lowering effect of Korean red ginseng
is associated with decreased Lp-PLA2 and lysoPCs and increased dihydrobiopterin
levels in prehypertensive subjects.

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H. Pylori

How Korean Red Ginseng could be useful in the treatment of H.pylori-associated halitosis

Lee SJ et al. “Efficacy of Korean red ginseng supplementation on eradication rate and gastric volatile sulfur compound levels after Helicobacter pylori eradication
therapy” J Ginseng Res. 2010;34:122-131.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication:

Previous studies have suggested that KRG 1) inhibits H. pylori colonization, 2) exhibits antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects, 3)
provides efficient restorative action, 4) inhibits expression of genes associated with generation of volatile sulfur compounds, and 5)
increases eradication rates. This study was performed to evaluate whether PPI-based triple therapy with KRG can enhance H. pylori
eradication and reduce levels of halitosis-associated volatile sulfur compounds.


Korean red ginseng along with triple therapy increased the H. pylori eradication rate and
led to significant reductions in VSC levels, suggesting the usefulness of Korean red
ginseng in combating H. pylori infection (treatment of H. pylori-associated halitosis).

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How Korean Red Ginseng Boosts The Immune System

Hyun, SH et al. “Immuno-enhancement effects of Korean Red Ginseng in healthy adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial” J Ginseng Res.

The immunoactivity of Korean red ginseng (KRG) for healthy controls:

Natural foods come up in the discourse around enhancing bodily functions, one of which is ginseng. Most clinical studies of immune
responses activated by KRG have been conducted exclusively in patients. However, there is still a lack of clinical research on immune
boosting benefits of KRG for healthy persons. This study aims to confirm how KRG boosts the immune system of healthy subjects


The significantly increased T cell, B cell and WBC levels confirmed that KRG increases immunity not only for cancer patients but also for healthy subjects with reduced immunity.


Through 8-week intake test and subsequent analysis, KRG was proven its safety and
immune boosting activity. KRG increases the number of immune cells to help improve
immunity when consumed by healthy adults with slightly downregulated immunity as an
excellent immunopotentiator.

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Liver Disease

How Korean Red Ginseng Could Act As Liver Cancer Preventative

Abdel-Wahhab MA et al. “Therapeutic effects of Korean red ginseng extract in Egyptian patients with chronic liver disease” J Ginseng Res. 2011;35(1):69-79.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC):

HCC is the fifth most common malignancy in the world and complicates liver cirrhosis related to hepatitis C virus in many cases. Several
studies have found that the antitumor activity of a novel ginseng saponin metabolite (IH-901) is attributable to the induction of apoptosis.
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of KRG extract in Egyptian patients with chronic liver diseases.


This study results showed that the medical therapy alone
failed to normalize the liver enzymes or decrease the virus
concentration. Korean red ginseng administration induced
a significant improvement in liver function tests,
decreased the tumor marker levels, and decreased the
viral titers in HCV patients.


The results of the current study indicate that Korean red ginseng could act as liver cancer
preventative as well as an antiviral agent against HCV.

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Menopausal Symptoms

How Korean Red Ginseng Could Act As A Supplement For Relieving Menopausal Symptoms

Kim, SY et al. “Effects of red ginseng supplementation on menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women: a double-blind
randomized controlled trial” Menopause. 2012;19(4):461-466.

The effect of red ginseng (RG) on menopausal symptoms:

Red Ginseng has been widely used to treat diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in East Asian countries. Previous
studies have shown that Red Ginseng is effective against the psychological and emotional symptoms that are common in postmenopausal
women. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Red Ginseng on menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular risk factors in
postmenopausal women.


The significantly increased T cell, B cell and WBC levels
confirmed that KRG increases immunity not only for cancer
patients but also for healthy subjects with reduced immunity.


The Red Ginseng could be an attractive herbal dietary supplement for relieving menopausal
symptoms and conferring favorable effects on markers of cardiovascular disease
in postmenopausal women.

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How Korean Red Ginseng Has An Impact On Obesity Indices By Gene

Kwon DH et al. “Efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Obese Women: Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial” J
Ginseng Res. 2012;36(2):176-189.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on obesity:

Obesity is caused by the imbalance of energy metabolism. KRG or ginseng has been proven to be very effective for improving obesity and
abnormal metabolism in animal studies and clinical studies. These effects of KRG and ginseng on the treatment of obesity can be thought
to be greater in the obesity caused by reduced energy metabolism. This study examined the effects of KRG on obese women and aimed to
confirm that the effects of KRG on obesity differ dependently on a gene.


KRG is more effective for improving the secondary issues of
the quality of life derived from obesity rather than having direct
effects on the obesity-related anthropometric assessment and
blood test indices.

This study tried to examine the differences of the effects of KRG on the obesity indices by gene mutation.

KRG is more effective for improving the secondary issues of the quality of life derived from obesity rather than having direct effects on the obesity-related anthropometric assessment and blood test indices.

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Sexual Function

How Korean Red Ginseng Could Be A Useful Agent For Treating Male Infertility

Park HJ et al. “Effects of Korean Red Ginseng on Semen Parameters in Male Infertility Patients: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical
Study” Chin J Integr Med. 2016;22(7):490-495.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on male infertility:

Many empirical treatments have been used to improve the quality and concentration of sperm, although good results have not been
achieved. Several studies have also reported that ginseng improves spermatogenesis in animals. These effects were probably caused by
anti-oxidant and anti-aging actions, as well as modulation of the hypothalamuspituitary-testis axis. This study was to investigate the
effects of KRG on semen parameters in male infertility patients.


KRG-treated groups with or without varicocelectomy showed
significantly improved semen parameters in terms of sperm
concentration, viability, motility, and morphology.


As the treatment with KRG for 12 weeks enhanced spermatogenesis, KRG may be a useful
agent for the treatment of male infertility.

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Skin Disorder

How Korean Red Ginseng Could Have Beneficial Effects On Atopic Dermatitis

Kim H et al. “The beneficial effect of Korean red ginseng extract on atopic dermatitis patients” Ann Dermatol. 2018;30(3):304-308.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on atopic dermatitis (AD):

AD is a chronic or chronically relapsing, eczematous, severely pruritic inflammatory skin disorder. KRG has been shown previously to exhibit
diverse biological effects including anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects in a murine model. We aimed to investigate the beneficial
effects of KRG on AD patients, to determine whether there was improvement in disease severity, skin barrier function, pruritus and sleep
disturbance relief.


Korean red ginseng not only improves the general well-being of the
patients, but also restores the skin barrier function
through reduction of TEWL.


This study suggest that KRG can be safely used as a supplement remedy leading to
clinical improvement of AD, can improve overall quality of life, and has potential for
further development.

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Sleep Quality

How Korean Red Ginseng Has Beneficial Effects On Sleep Quality

Han HJ et al. “Effects of red ginseng extract on sleep behaviors in human volunteers” J Ethnopharmacol. 2013;149:597-599

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on sleep:

The ginseng root has been traditionally used as a sedative in oriental countries. However, the condition “ginseng abuse syndrome”, was
coined as a result of a study of people who had been using a variety of ginseng preparations. However, we reported that administration of
KRG increased rapid eye movement and non rapid eye sleep via GABAergic systems in animals. Therefore, this study was performed to
investigate KRG affects sleeping behaviors in human volunteers.


Administration of Korean red ginseng significantly reduced the total wake time and increased the sleep efficiency, while reducing N1 and improving REM sleep.

From these results, it is presumed that KRG intake does not interfere with sleep, but rather
improves the quality of sleep, thus having beneficial effects on sleep disturbed subjects.

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How Korean Red Ginseng Shows Therapeutic Potential For People With Chronic Fatigue

Sung, WS et al. “Efficacy of Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) for middle-aged and moderate level of chronic fatigue patients: A randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial” Complement Ther Med. 2020;48, 102246.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on chronic fatigue (CF):

CF is unexplained fatigue lasting more than 6 months. Several studies demonstrated the role of oxidative stress in CF and suggested the
administration of antioxidants as a potential treatment. KRG is known to have higher anti-fatigue substance than white ginseng. The purpose
of this study was to investigate the effect of KRG on CF by various measurements and objective indicators.


KRG provided the objective evidence of fatigue-related measurement and the therapeutic potential for middle-aged individuals with moderate fatigue.


KRG demonstrated its safety and efficacy for patients with chronic fatigue, suggesting its
potential for treating a subset of patients with chronic fatigue (moderate or idiopathic
chronic fatigue.

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Vascular Disorder

How Korean Red Ginseng Could Have Beneficial Effects On Coronary Artery Disease

Chung IM et al. “Korean red ginseng improves vascular stiffness in patients with coronary artery disease” J Ginseng Res. 2010;34(3):212-218.

The effect of Korean red ginseng (KRG) on coronary artery disease (CAD):

Endothelial dysfunction is regarded as not only the earliest manifestation of atherosclerosis but also as a prognostic factor for adverse
cardiovascular events. KRG has diverse effects on the vasculature, improving endothelial function. The aim of this study was to determine
whether KRG has an effect on arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with CAD.


Korean red ginseng treatment for 10 weeks reduced the systolic
blood pressure and the vascular stiffness in the central aorta and
peripheral muscular arteries, probably via the inhibition of ROCK activity
in patients with coronary artery disease.


The Korean red ginseng-induced effects in this study suggest the need of further study for
understanding the pharmacological effects of Korean red ginseng on the progression of
atherosclerotic plaque formation and the prevention of acute coronary syndrome in
patients with coronary artery disease.

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热门搜索:  人参提取物、Everytime 棒、液体棒、胶囊  


Everytime 柚子韩国红参提取液棒 1000 毫克 - JungKwanJang
正常价格$80.97$26.99 - $76.99
胶囊加高丽红参 - CheongKwanJang
Jin Go Daily Stick 人参能量 - CheongKwanJang
Vital Tonic 高丽红参冲剂 10 片展示盒 - JungKwanJang
正常价格$110.97$36.99 - $107.64
提取韩国红参 - CheongKwanJang
正常价格$63.32$37.99 - $241.99
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