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The Main Health Concerns for Seniors

The Main Health Concerns for Seniors

We become increasingly vulnerable to various health conditions as we age. But today, mortality rates are lower than ever. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), those people who reach the age of 65 can live up to another 19.3 years on average if they are careful about managing their health.

By creating an awareness of some of the most common health conditions, we hope seniors over 50 will have regular health screenings and seek appropriate treatment to mitigate the risk of life-threatening diseases and other ailments. In addition to increasing your longevity significantly, adopting a healthy lifestyle will boost your immunity and help you enjoy an overall better quality of life as well.

1. Heart Disease

Heart Disease

Heart disease is a chronic condition that affects a large percentage of seniors in the U.S. and around the world. The Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics reports that approximately 26% of women and 37% of men over 65 years of age suffer from heart disease.

Factors like high cholesterol and high blood pressure increase the risk of people developing heart disease and strokes. That is why exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep are often recommended to reduce the risk of this killer disease.

2. Cancer

According to the CDC, cancer is the second main cause of death among people over 65 years. This debilitating illness affects approximately 21% and 28% of senior women and men, respectively.

But the good news is several types of cancer are treatable, especially if they are caught in the early stages. So, health checkups like colonoscopies, mammograms, and skin screenings are a must.

3. Dementia


About one in five individuals over 60 years have some form of mental or neurological disorder, reports the World Health Organization (WHO). Among them, dementia and depression are some of the most common health concerns affecting our seniors today. By 2030, the number of people who suffer from dementia will increase by a staggering 32 million to touch 82 million worldwide.

Dementia is an umbrella term that pronounces the symptoms that affect memory, communication, and one's ability to perform daily activities.

Sometimes, it is reversible through medication or by treating a vitamin deficiency. By optimizing your mental and physical health, you will drastically increase your chances of avoiding this dreaded condition.

4. Alzheimer's Disease

Usually difficult to diagnose, Alzheimer's affects about one in nine seniors over the age of 65, according to reports from the Alzheimer's Association. But Alzheimer's News Today says this figure might be higher because only about one in four people who are afflicted with the disease are diagnosed. They estimate that there are currently about 5.3 million seniors who suffer from this degenerative ailment and out of these, 3.3 million are women.

Not many people are aware of this, but Alzheimer's is a specific type of dementia. The former gets worse with time and hampers memory, thought, and language. Unfortunately, unlike dementia, to date, there aren't any health solutions to cure this mentally crippling disease.

Lifestyle choices can help seniors significantly enhance their immunity and reduce their health risks. From adopting a regular exercise regime and eating a well-balanced diet to quitting smoking and limiting your intake of alcohol, there are several sustainable solutions you can adopt to ensure you keep conditions at bay and live happier, longer lives.


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